Monday, October 29, 2007

Emo's back

The cat is back. He was gone for three days. It was stressful, especially when it started to rain and then SNOW. He came back starving and a little smelly. He also came back with a cat cold. He won't stop sneezing. He's very lethargic and just wants to cuddle. Even when I'm on the computer. Or watching tv. Or reading. Or sleeping...
I'm very happy he's back. :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Where's Emo?

The cat got out. He's never allowed outside, and for some unknown reason the garage back door was open just a crack. We can't find him, and my stomach hurts. He's not a street smart cat.
The weird things is we found him almost exactly a year ago roaming the streets without a collar. And about a week ago he lost his collar. It was a safety snap one, and we just can't find it. Now he's roaming the streets without a collar again, exactly a year from when we found him. I don't like that. I want him asleep inside like in this picture.

Friday, October 19, 2007


The local library overlooks this beautiful open wooded area. I was reading in the warm sunlight when I glanced up and saw this. A gaggle of turkeys. A group of turkeys? A herd? Anyways, I love the beauty of where I live.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


The cat is magic and too clever for me sometimes. He was hiding from me because he knew being on the counter would get him a spritz from the spray bottle. Naughty cat. This is where I found him, and he was too cute to punish.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

more yarn and fortune cookie mystery

Sorry for more pictures of the same yarn, but this yarn has made me in love with color itself. I am enamored with every bit of it. The orange makes me vibrate, the purple makes me melt, the pink just tickles....the green. Don't get me started on the green. Each color blends into the next like a technicolor sunset.

It's Ironestone Colorchanges in color 232, by the way.

And my fortune last night leaves me perplexed...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm having fun taking pics of this. It looks cool.
So pretty and bright.

Weird textured surface.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I knit the Icarus Shawl non stop for a few days before I ran out of yarn. The shawl just eats yarn, but it's so pretty. I started this easy scarf while I wait for more yarn. I bought the yarn on a trip to Tucson. It reminds me of a Tucson sunset which are the best I've ever seen. It's an easy seed stitch which is nice after days of tiny shawl knitting. I like the texture the stitch gives it. It's kinda alien looking sometimes. The pictures are not great (taken inside at 1am in front of my computer).

Rolled up so you can see the color changes. I love when people take pictures of scarves like this.

Kinda piled up. The colors are not so bright in real life.

The ball started to look really cool as I used it up.

Kinda like a ufo!