Thursday, February 28, 2008

some more pics

Some more pics I took today for Project Spectrum. These are some orange things in my kitchen.
These are some pot holders from the stitch n' bitch: happy hooker book. They're very sturdy and functional too. I love them.

Next we have my drain stopper. It's neat.

And now we have a tiny pot someone gave me for my birthday nine years ago. I keep it on my kitchen window sill along with a few other things that I like to gaze at while doing dishes.

So Project Spectrum is making me miss summer. All I notice now are juicy oranges and vibrant reds. It snowed two days ago. When will it ever end? Anyways, I might be moving again soon. It's not good news. We'll see....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So I haven't posted in awhile. My husband came home safe and sound and we had a lot of fun hanging out. I got him started on WoW so that sucks up a lot of free time. I have been knitting and I took some pics. But then BOTH our computer hard drives failed around the same time. WTF? We're investigating things now but we assume it was a surge. We were able to recover data but I can't get those pics back until the new hard drives come in. I'm using my old mac tower at the moment. It does all I need it to do except play WoW.
So I'll leave you with a few pics I put up onto flickr before the crash. I joined project spectrum. I found it too late last year so I was excited when I found it again. The theme at the moment is Fire and the colors are red, orange, and pink.
The following are in no specific order: blood oranges, fire, yarn that is shaping up into a really pretty scarf, and a sparkler.