Monday, June 29, 2009


zucchini , originally uploaded by sagefrances.

I found my first zucchini blossom! The flash of yellow made my heart skip a beat.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've got jalapenos!

My garden is doing quite well! I found some baby peppers peeking through the foliage today. I introduce to you Serrano, baby jalapeno, and bigger jalapeno.

My zucchini plant has spread out and it's leaves are big and beautiful. They smell spicy to me.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

zomg! tomato!

zomg! tomato!, originally uploaded by sagefrances.

Omg! Omg, I have a tomato!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

my plants x2

My bonsai. It's a ficus.

Spider and prayer plant. The spider plant was my first plant ever. Remember the one the cat ate?

My bromeliad. This is a fun plant.

my plants.

This is my arrowhead plant. It's neat.

Mint and aloe vera. The mint is my favorite plant. I love to water it when it's really warm and breezy outside so I can catch the fragrance.

This was my 3rd plant. It grows the best, although I'm having a mold issue with it.

Here is my garden. I have 3 different peppers, carrots, zucchini, and eggplant.

Topsy Turvy and tomatoes.